Thursday, September 27, 2012

New recipe!

Day 11.....I can hardly believe that we have gone 11 days without eating meat and we have NOT MISSED  it.  Crazy! Today, I was in a cooking mood.  It all started with cabbage! Add some rice/tomatoes, baked sweet potatoes, and to top it all off - cornbread muffins!  I tried a new cornbread recipe that I tweaked along the way.  I honestly tried to follow the directions the first time since it was a new recipe, BUT it never fails....I start tweaking.
It was a basic cornbread recipe with a few additions:
Sun dried tomatoes added

I changed the flours to make it gluten free

Jalapenos: I took a lot of the seeds out so it wouldn't be too hot for others eating it.

Corn niblets and a touch of honey added with the milk/eggs

Stir it up and throw it in the pan

Sprinkle with cheese and bake.

I LOVE cornbread! Bill doesn't, so all I can say is, I thought they were great! I actually froze the ones we didn't eat. I have a friend who adds bacon too.  Since we are are eliminating meat, it wasn't a big deal not to have it.  The sun dried tomatoes gave it enough texture. You could probably just use your recipe and then add whatever "extras" you like.  

We got off work late yesterday, had an errand to run in town so we decided to eat lunch at El Toreo.  I was pleasantly surprised to find several vegetarian items on the menu.  While we were discussing what to eat, a girl next to us joined our conversation, suggested some things she tried and then told us she stopped eating meat several years ago.  She mentioned how much better she felt since then.  It seems more and more people are choosing the vegetarian lifestyle.  Yesterday was the first time I had had a bean taco - quite tasty! 
Cheese enchilada, bean taco, and rice

We both felt like we needed to clean out our system after a few indulgences on our anniversary. We are juicing breakfast and supper for a few days.

We are loving this journey and encourage you to try it for yourself!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Vegetarian...will travel?

Day 8.....Hey Everybody!  We have been out of town celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary! We took a few days off to just relax - our biggest decision was whether to go to the pool or to the ocean.

The challenge on our vacation was to see how easy it would be to find places to eat and still maintain our vegetarian challenge.  Well, it is day 8 - and we have succeeded! Most fast food places were limited - we could find baked potatoes, french fries, salads (if you asked to take the meat off); not exactly, a well balanced meal. Fast food places were very limited and not the best choices.  We did find some fun places in Jacksonville to eat that were healthy and gluten free.  We also brought our juicer for breakfast and made a make shift kitchen.  It has been fun! A few of our favorite meals: veggie thin crust pizza, zucchini grillini sandwich, and rice/bean/veggie stuffed burritos.  After 8 days, we have not missed the meat at all! Way easier than juicing!
Zucchini Grillini

How are we doing with exercise?  Bill has kept his running up on the beach, I've been happy to just walk.  Do you remember the scene from Jurassic Park where the dinosaur is chasing them in the jeep? There's a close up of the side mirror with the words, "Objects are closer than they appear".  It never failed, we'd pick a destination to walk to that seemed relatively close - but was so much further away!  I used muscles walking on the sand that I apparently have not been using!!

I haven't seen the scales in quite a few days.  Who knows what I will numbers will be! Yikes?!  The key to eating a vegetarian lifestyle is making good food choices.  You cannot have a diet of french fries, frosty's and mac/cheese.  Good choices make strong healthy bodies.  

If eating vegetarian seems overwhelming at first, try one day a week.  Baby steps......

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

You have got to try this!!!!

Day 3.....Tonight's supper was Russ's Mexican Lasagna.  It was fabulous!

30 min preparation + 40 min cooking

Serving Size / Yield

6 servings


  • one 16-oz. can refried beans
  • 8 oz. cream cheese
  • 1/2 tsp. chili powder
  • one 14 1/2-oz can diced tomatoes and green chilies
  • 1/2 C. red onion
  • 3 oz. shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • 6 lasagna noodles, cooked
  • 8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 C. fresh cilantro leaves (optional)


In a medium bowl, stir the cream cheese, chili powder, onion, and Monterey Jack cheese. Spread 1/2 cup diced tomatoes with green chilies in a 2-quart shallow baking dish. Spread each cooked noodle with the refried beans and cream cheese mixture. Roll up jelly-roll style and place seam side down in the baking dish. Top with the remaining diced tomatoes with green chilies and cheddar cheese. Cover the dish with foil. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes or until it's hot and bubbling. Sprinkle with the cilantro.

The only thing I did differently from the recipe was I did not make the rolls.  I just layered the ingredients like regular lasagna.  Give it a try!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Have you been brainwashed?

Day 2......of our vegetarian adventures. Today, we watched the movie Forks over Knives.  You need to stop and watch's free on Netflix and several other venues. Watch it with an open mind and see if you find validity in their claims. "The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods." For more information after the movie go to

For the first time, we are wondering if 21 days will be long enough for us to tell a difference?

We haven't missed eating meat (but it has only been two days). Bill sure wanted some fried chicken today at a luncheon meeting.  He didn't give in; he even picked the ham out of his turnip greens!

Watch the movie and post your comments below.

Monday, September 17, 2012

What?! No meat?!

It began today! Our journey into the world of vegetarians......a 21 day journey.  Why?  Because we are considering all options on our road to better health.  We love juicing, and that has easily been incorporated into our daily life, but what about meat? Can avoiding it make you feel better?  What about all the talk about eating for your blood type? (Bill and I are both A negative.) We are going to do an experiment and see how our bodies respond.  The important factor is choosing healthy foods and having a balanced diet.

Day 1...Our schedule today just got way off, my carefully planned meals became non existent.  We did eat lunch in town - no meat - and it was good and filling.  We ate at a Mexican restaurant and had eggs/rice in  tortilla shell with beans on the side. Breakfast will be a glass of juice. Lunch, I'm thinking about doing the 1/2 and 1/2 - choosing between soups, sandwiches and salads. Supper, I have a variety of simple, quick recipes and some new recipes to try.  I'm rather excited about this challenge, I'm not quite sure what Bill thinks.

We have several movies that have been recommended to us. We'll try and watch them on Netflix and then pass them on to you.   At the very least, we need to consider what we are eating and the results it can have on our bodies. If this lifestyle just seems to foreign to you, consider having one day a week that is meatless.  Start small and simple and you'll be less likely to give up.  Remember, it's all about baby steps.

Side note: We tried a NEW juice today that had apples, carrots, lemon and CABBAGE! It was supposed to be a tart lemonade flavor.  I wasn't too crazy about it.....I like my old standbys best!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Get your facts straight!

Time for another adventure!  Becoming a Vegetarian! We have heard the pros and cons for, "You can't eat that way, you won't get enough protein" "It's too radical" "You just make it harder to hang out with your friends" OR "It's the ONLY way to eat" "You'll feel better and be in better health"  We have heard from both sides, so we'll be guinea pigs for you and see if we can tell a difference!

You've heard the hype, now let's get the facts.  According to the Harvard Medical there are different varieties of vegetarians:

Strictly speaking, vegetarians are people who don't eat meat, poultry, or seafood. But people with many different dietary patterns call themselves vegetarians, including the following:
Vegans (total vegetarians): Do not eat meat, poultry, fish, or any products derived from animals, including eggs, dairy products, and gelatin.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians: Do not eat meat, poultry, or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy products.
Lacto vegetarians: Eat no meat, poultry, fish, or eggs, but do consume dairy products.
Ovo vegetarians: Eat no meat, poultry, fish, or dairy products, but do eat eggs.
Partial vegetarians: Avoid meat but may eat fish (pesco-vegetarian, pescatarian) or poultry (pollo-vegetarian).

For our trial we will be Lacto-ovo vegetarians! (Bill doesn't want to give up his cereal or ice cream!) Check out this link from Fox News that gives the basic pros and cons of this lifestyle. We'll do some more research as we go.  Our plan: 21 days!

Someone recently asked, "Well, weren't you on a vegetarian lifestyle when you were juicing?" Well, yes we were. The purpose of juicing was to "reboot" our systems.  We will continue to juice as we go.  The benefits are great! Juicing can have its limitations though. It's hard to eat out or go to someone's house for supper - unless you plan on drinking your juice and watching them eat.  Juicing only uses fruits/veggies and is healthy.  The vegetarian lifestyle can be very unhealthy and lead to health problems if you make poor choices - like eating ice cream and Twinkies all the time. Don't you love the food people??  Haha! Kerry sent it to me.  She will be joining us on this journey.  Do you want to try it with us? Let's find how easy it is (or isn't) to have a  vegetarian lifestyle, interact with others, and see what the benefits are.

As always, if you have any health issues, consult your doctor.

Recipes and other great info to come! We will start next MONDAY.  We'll spend this week getting our "ducks in a row"!

Monday, September 10, 2012

We're gonna do what?!

Well, round two of juicing is officially over! I cannot tell you how happy I was to actually cook and eat food - for lunch and supper! WooHoo!

Here's the wrap up of this journey:
We will continue to juice for breakfast and for our mid morning snack.  We plan on eating healthy for a few weeks and then I'll do another round of juicing.  I probably will not do the 21 days for a while, but rather, 5 days at the time.  I still have weight to lose, so I will keep at it. Sooner or later I will reach my goal!

Square foot gardening - Bill put in some zinnias, I'm hoping to have another large crop before frost.  The peppers, basil, oregano and sweet potatoes continue to do well.  I'm wondering why I can't have fresh tomatoes all year round?! We have a greenhouse - what more do we need?! Maybe that will be an experiment to try this Fall.

We have juicing down pretty good - now what? Well, we have been thinking.  We have heard all the hype about being a vegetarian.  There are those who swear by it and others who think it is totally ridiculous.  Well, that should be our next venture.  We will do some research and try it!  This week I think we will work on getting some recipes together and start some research.  Is it really better for your body?  We will start next Monday.  Want to try it with us? Come on, why not? 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Don't juice if.....

Day 19, and round two of our juicing adventures!.....Exciting news, we have had over 2500 page views.  Pretty exciting since blogging is so new to us! For those new to out site, Bill and I have been married almost 30 years (as of September 25th this year)! We have 4 kids, 2 grandkids and  a morning show called Jumpstart Your Morning with Bill and Terry, heard weekdays 7-9am on WAFT Radio 101.1.

Bill's Mexican dinner, see my dinner? green juice in back
Our juicing adventures started just a few months ago; hence the beginning of this blog.  Does juicing really work? does it make you feel better? is it worth the effort? We had heard the pros/cons of juicing forever - but had never tried it. UNTIL, my health practitioner suggested I try a 21 day juice fast.  Since so many of you were interested, we decided to blog our journey.  Since the beginning, I have started a second round of juicing - with a couple of unavoidable meals. I am now coming to the end...only 2 days left!!  If you have time, go back and follow our daily adventures - the good, the bad, and the ugly!  We have tried all kinds of recipes - and we'll tell you which ones we liked - and didn't! We have posted several "must see" videos. More importantly, we are changing our eating habits.

Don't juice if you are not willing to change old habits.  Honestly, why put yourself to all the effort and then resume the same old eating patterns, fast foods, junk foods, etc.  You will find yourself getting that sluggish, so-so feeling, tired, and well, you get the picture.  We have met many along our journey who have tried juicing.  I only know of one that just couldn't cut it. We know of several that are venturing out and want to make lifestyle changes.

BTW, we finally made it to The Main Squeeze, here in Valdosta! A friend of ours (Steve) bought a "Super Green" juice for me to try - it was better than ours!  Go figure!  We used almost the exact same recipe and quantities.  Bill got the "Tropical Superfood" smoothie and it was "super good'!  We had a great guy, Michael, that waited on us! I think I need a blackboard like they had on their wall with all the recipes on it - super cute!

 We have a packed weekend! I'll let you know what we are going to do next!  Hang on!

Michael, The Main Squeeze

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's MY Fault!

Round TWO, Day 16.........To hear Terry tell it, I dragged her kicking and screaming to the restaurant today and forced her to break her juicing fast.  I'll admit I wasn't much help, but we were in Quitman and one of our favorite Mexican restaurants (Coyocan) was close by.  (This is Terry - so let me clarify!  It was 2 in the afternoon and we were starving...and away from the house...and I had already drunk all the juice in the house...and Bill did tell me to go ahead and eat with him...honestly!) She had a gluten-free meal called Angela's Mix.  It's not on the menu; so you have to ask.  (It's grilled veggies and chicken! At least it was healthy!) We had a pleasant surprise as we we were leaving and trying to pay;  someone who left before we did paid for our meal!  Thanks!

Mean Green!
She started out good this morning and had the mean green juice which is the green apples, celery, kale, lemon, cucumber, and ginger root mixture (Terry again...and it is not called "mean green" because after so many days of juicing I get mean and green, just saying!).  It's my favorite. For snack she had the carrot, orange, grape mixture.  The grapes were juiced from some of the last of this season's crop on the WAFT hill.  There are a few left so I need to get out there and shake some vines!

The next round juicing I think I'll join her since she plans on doing it a week at a time and eating regular on the weekends.  She is on the last week of her 21 day juice fast.  She has juiced about 95% of the time and only had a couple of meals for some special occasions.  (Sorry Kerry, you have done so well this round.  Better than me!)

Well, I think its time to end this day.  I'll try to be more encouraging as Terry finishes out her week!  Stay tuned.....     Bill

Monday, September 3, 2012

Can you believe we're on the end stretch?

Our niece, Kelly Grace, just turned 1!
Day 15.......Well, we are back.  We went to Tampa for a couple of days and I haven't had a chance to post!  My friend, Kerry, and I are nearing the end of our 21 days of juicing.  Kerry has done great and has been able to stay the course.  Our schedule has been a little crazy, so we have had some food - primarily when we went to Tampa for my niece's 1st birthday! Sunday will be Day 21 and another round of juicing completed at the Tidwell household.  I will be anxious to see how much weight I have lost by then!

Remember, if you have juiced for several days you need to "break" your juice fast. After watching the movie, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, we have used a lot of the suggestions and ideas from the forum that was created as a result (  They have some great suggestions on how to break your fast - take a look:
Must try!!

We did have an unexpected surprise Friday night.  We ate supper at Ruby Tuesday's and they have a whole gluten free menu.  That was gets better.  On the menu they had roasted spaghetti squash with a veggie marinara sauce! Have you ever tried spaghetti squash?  It's a great substitute for pasta!  There are several ways you can cook it - microwave, oven, or stove top.  I prefer the oven method.  Here's Emeril's recipe.  There are many great recipes using spaghetti squash which is rich in vitamins, minerals AND low calories!!

I can hardly believe the end is in sight!  We will continue to juice for breakfast and mid morning break.  We will continue looking for and trying healthy recipes.  Life style changes take time..we're on the road.  Want to join us?

BTW, I am still trying to get the living room repainted.  Who knew finding the "perfect" color could be so hard?!