What's your question?......It's funny the number of questions we are asked apart from our blog. Feel free to
post a question below, others may be wondering the same thing. You can ask about juicing, the bio assessment, square foot gardening, our prize albino bluebird...or whatever.

Bill hit the Farmer's market today and spent about $15, the fruits/veggies should last a couple of days. Although, he did buy some peanuts to boil.
I did sorta cheat a little today. I juiced till lunch, got a gluten free pizza from Dominos for lunch, juiced this afternoon and then ate some popcorn at the movies tonight. The pizzas only come with a thin crust (which is my favorite). I am only supposed to be eating one time a day and juicing the rest of the time; but I don't think the occasional treat should hurt too much! I'll know when I get on the scales tomorrow!! lol (Don't have a heart attack, but we went to see The Hunger Games.) I will say by the time we got home I was pretty nauseous. Your body does change when you are juicing. This is the second time in the last couple of weeks that I tried something I shouldn't have....it's just not worth it. You would think I would learn by now. Bill just juices in the morning and eats food for lunch and supper. He seems to be maintaining okay, I'm still working on the losing end.

In case you are
gluten free, the BEST book out there is
Cooking for Isaiah by Silvana Nardone. Her flour mix is out of this world. Every recipe I have tried of hers has been really good. Here's a link to her site:
http://silvanaskitchen.com/ She has a ton of recipes you can try. Among other things, Silvana was the founding editor-in-chief of
Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine, has been on several TV morning shows and featured in several magazines.
Tomorrow we'll need to put up some more tomatoes. They sure are good. I saw a recipe today where you toast a piece of bread, sprinkle
with olive oil add slices of tomatoes, feta, seasonings....it looked so
Our next project is to paint our living room. I'll show you the before and after pics. I'm having a hard time finding that 'perfect' color. Seems like we're always trying something......that keeps things interesting.
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