We were there...and will be for two more days:
Sunbelt AG EXPO 2012!! For the first time,
WAFT had a booth at the EXPO. Imagine - waves of people! I believe we met more people from other states than here in our own area. When I think EXPO, I generally think fair food; BBQ, ice cream, cotton candy, sausage dogs....well, you get the picture. After eating vegetarian for about a month now, I wasn't sure what I was going to do!
First, I gathered some snacks.
Secondly, Bill made "mean green" juice.
Third, I was determined not to give in and eat meat because there was nothing else around. After perusing all the eating options, I found a vendor that had baked potatoes!! Yay! So what did we eat all day? Here's our schedule:
5:30am Terry - juice, Bill - slim fast smoothie with peanut butter and banana (For the record, I do not think they are healthy)
7:00am Arrived at EXPO. After setting up and ready to meet listeners, Bill went to a Media breakfast and had a sausage biscuit. Terry - rest of mean green juice
8:00am Jennifer had not had breakfast and I was still a bit hungry. Guess what we found? A vendor that had sausage, egg, cheese sandwiches. I didn't have the bread or sausage - just a fried egg and cheese and it was actually quite tasty.

Lunch Bill - fully loaded hotdog, Terry - Baked potato with cheese, banana
Snacks throughout the day....... Terry - pretzels, kumquats, few bites of popcorn, water. Bill had the same, plus, ice cream! I was especially excited to meet Fanchone of
Kumquat Growers! I love kumquats and bought a bag to munch on throughout the day!
Supper- I admit,
I caved. I had laid out the ingredients to make some soup when we got home, but we were tired and still had several things to do sooooooooooooooo Bill had chicken nuggets and a loaded baked potato from Wendy's and I had a Cantina Burrito (Veggie) from Taco Bell with chips on the side. I did pretty good till supper, Taco Bell is not the best fast food. But the soup laid out for tonight is cooked and ready for supper tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another day for all of us. We have got to make good choices or our health will continue to disintegrate. Don't dwell or the past, don't give up today. It's all about baby steps and making good choices one day at a time.

Side note: In preparation for the EXPO and being on our feet all day, I went and bought some new tennis shoes. I had worn mine out and knew it was time. As we were walking through the store I saw these running shorts and had to burst out laughing. Really?! They would barely go over my arm!!