Are you satisfied?...... Do you feel healthy? Do you eat well, exercise and get good reports from your doctor? Are you at optimal health? On the other hand, do you find yourself tired, not sleeping well, yo-yo dieting, taking prescription drugs, never really feeling great? It's time to make some changes! To feel better
OR to have the best health possible -
Maybe juicing is the answer for you!
We have this concept that fat people are unhealthy and skinny people are healthy. Fat people cannot control how much they eat and have no self-discipline. Skinny people are just more self-controlled. In reality, that's not altogether true. I have known skinny people who ate lousy (fast foods, junk foods, etc) but had a high metabolism, stayed skinny, but had health issues. I have known heavy people who apart from their weight were in excellent health. What's a body to do? Eat right! The thing that most people think takes too long and requires too much effort.
Maybe juicing is the answer for you!

With Heather and the grandkids here,we have eaten food for lunch and supper. We have continued to juice breakfast and snacks. They'll be heading back to Ohio tomorrow so I plan on hitting the juice pretty hard (that sounds funny!) Bill will just juice breakfast. This will be a perfect scenario for you, can one person juice while the rest of the family eats food? This will be an experiment, I'll mostly juice while Bill mostly eats food.
Maybe juicing is the answer for you!

let's talk costs. Most of the fruits/veggies we buy are from the Farmer's Market. While organic is the better choice, they usually do not carry it. (Sometimes we get organic at Publix - again cost is a factor.) Bill did some figuring on the 4 recipes we make the most; they range from $1.85 per serving to $4.50 per serving. The highest included some out of season pears.
If you didn't listen to the Ken Davis interview that I put in our last post....go back and listen to it. Check out some of the links we have included in earlier posts, do some research, talk to your doctor if you have health issues or are on medication - you can improve your health, whether you feel pretty good or whether you feel bad. Let's live life to the fullest!
Maybe juicing is the answer for you!
Remind me to tell you why I got rid of deodorant. You'll never believe what I got in the mail today to use instead!
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